How do you celebrate? Send cards? Probably, since many folks do. Ever wonder what the racing organizations like NASCAR or F1 send? Sure, most of us, believe that Bernie Ecclestone sends out lumps of coal (well polished and expensively wrapped), but what about F1's Christmas cards? Now, you know that your loyal blogger will have looked into this and will share his findings with you.
Note the chains on this snow bound racer. Knowing F1, they are probably titanium or some other semi precious metal and they took two years and 100 people to perfect.
And from NASCAR..........

Of course, the fortunate ones here are the folks, who get to have a little fun in creating these cards for whatever racing sanctioning body or one of their teams. I would love to have seen a Dale Earnhardt Sr card, showing him dressed as Santa, putting another car into the wall as he proclaims, "Merry Christmas!". That would have been a classic.
How about the sprint car guys?
Love the top one, as you can feel the speed. Since Santa gives gifts, would he let the other guy win? Hey, racin' is racin' and if SC is on the track, he's got to be in it for the win.
Loud, but tasteful? Would that describe the NHRA's offering at Christmas?

From the whimsical to the traditional. Missing only a nativity scene with the three wise man tuning a top fuel dragster. Maybe next year?
Even the MotoGP guys get into the Christmas spirit with their cards........
So what do my Christmas cards looks like? I wish I could tell you that, I create some fun, car type of Christmas card, but alas, that is not the case. But, you might wonder how I spend my Christmas holiday...........
.......that's right, lying on a beach in the Caribbean and at some time on Christmas day, a Santa look alike will arrive by motorboat to spread the holiday spirit. Now, I've got to tell you, this is always a bizarre sight, but the sun, the water and the warmth, you just can't beat it!
Thanks for following me over the last year. I hope you have a wonderful holiday - see you back here on Tuesday, January 5th.
Until the New Year........