There was a time when Cadillac ruled the world. No, really.
Every social climber or pretend shooter (including yours truly) had to have a Caddy to show that they had arrived. Every tinpot dictator was driven in a Caddy, before Mercedes arrived back on the scene. When one of my brother's friend's dad got a new Caddy in good ol' lunch bucket Saint John, New Brunswick, it was big news. Might have been the only one in town. When I was a buyer at Sears' (remember them?) head office in downtown Toronto, both the chairman and the president had chauffeured, dark blue Fleetwoods. And little shooter, Barry, drove a Coupe de Ville. No paltry Lincoln for us.
The good old days (seriuously?), when GM ruled the car world and could do no wrong. Or at least, if they did, it would be swallowed up by all their rights.
Long for those times, Bucko? No coronavirus or crazy Saudi prince wrecking havoc on the planet. No US president, who should be run out of office on a rail or just given a bus ticket back to New York city.
Come now, get serious, things are pretty good these days. But back to Cadillac. I wonder what they are thinking?
Seems Cadillac has a hard time doing most things right these days. From once being on the very top of the mountain, with the pretenders not even at base camp, they are working hard to make themselves viable yet again. Quick, name a Cadillac model. If you said Escalade, join the thousands who think that is the only Caddy worth driving. Their sedans, once the mainstay of everyone's car business, are hunting for a market.
Check out these two Cadillac models.........
2018 ATS |
2020 CT4 |
The top one is the well reviewed ATS introduced way back in 2013. Great car. I had one and loved it. Needed more back seat room, but so did its competition. Strong initial sales followed up by year after year of diminishing returns, so it was cancelled in 2018. Nice try, Cadillac.
But was it really cancelled? Change some trim and rename it the CT4 in the bottom picture.
Same car, but with the current Caddy grille and taillights. Who knew? Still trying to ascend to the entry level luxury car podium. Maybe knock off one of the perennial favorites, BMW, Mercedes and Audi? Tough job, folks, but give Cadillac a couple of gold stars for trying.
Of course, their real star is the all new (over worked car business term, but in this case accurate), CT5.....
Something not quite right about the design in my opinion, but at least it stands out. Can it replace the once popular CTS? Very good question, BT, but we'll have to wait for that answer.
These two are valiant efforts, but anyone who is half awake and not quarantined, knows that to make it in today's car world, one has to be flogging a truck, i.e. an suv. Or several. Cadillac is trying............
XT4 |
XT6 |
XT5 |
A plethora of suvs, one for every size, budget, taste. And these don't include the Grand Marshal of Cadillac's suv armada. The Big Kahuna. The star of every red carpet photo shoot. A drum roll, please........
Of course, I'm referring to the darling of the BIG suv class, the Escalade. Comes in two sizes, but one enormous status. In most driveways of the wealthy, this behemoth will stand beside and overshadow one of the German luxo trio sedans. Would its owner ever consider a Cadillac sedan to accompany it? Unlikely. About as unlikely as Trump giving Putin a good hard slap, instead of a passionate embrace.
The latest news from Cadillac? Last week they unveiled, but only to journalists, their new line up of EVs. No cameras allowed for these soon to be released (end of 2020) new models. Models to help push Cadillac closer to the top of buyers' thoughts, when a new luxomobile is being considered.
Cadillac is trying hard to re-establish their brand, but if they are ascending, will they ever reach the greatness of the past, when ads like this were their norm.......
Until next time........