Thursday, July 8, 2021

Swan Song

 Appropriate that I should start today's blog with the famous (at least in my mind), Swan Car from back in the depths of car history and from the addled mind of an over the top car enthusiast........

Appropriate how? 

Some of you may know that your Car Guy blogger has just celebrated his first month of retirement. Yes, after 27 great years of working with a varied range of (mostly) wonderful clients (you know who you are), I've decided to pack it in, hang up my hat, ride into the sunset or simply put, retire. 

Sure, I loved my job, but there are so many other things that I want to spend more time doing. A few.....

- chair of my condo board

- building my beloved models

- reading

- golfing

- taking courses

.........and walking, baking, going to the gym (when finally open) and of course, Netflix. 

Hey folks, I have a full life, so I'm not going to be one of those retirees who has to be cranked up and dusted off from time to time.

So good-bye to my Wheel to Wheel blog. A blog of which I'm very proud. I'm also flattered that so many have dropped in to read my latest meanderings thru the car business. Just about one and a half million, since I started writing ten years ago. Seems like only just over five hundred weeks have gone by since I started sharing my thoughts with you. Time flies or so goes that old cliche'.

So, it's time to bid you all adieu. A fond farewell from me and my dear little CMC, the Car Modeling Cat (who for this occasion only has agreed to show her lovable face)..........

Thank you so much for letting us entertain you.

Until next time?