Friday, November 25, 2011

Nov 25: By the Dashboard Light

You know you're getting older when 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago seems like yesterday. Well maybe not quite yesterday, but not that long ago. When I was doing another blog, I came across a pic of a dashboard (instrument panel these days) from the '50's  -  see above. Note how it was colour matched to the beautiful pink exterior colour. And look at all that chrome. Also note how relatively simple it was compared to the next ones........

This Chev from the late '60's was much more in keeping with what we see in front of us today. The chrome is still present but toned down considerably. But take a look at these next two from this year......

Hard to believe this is from a Jeep, but it is the Grand Cherokee, not the rough and tough Wrangler. Or how about this cockpit.......

Like piloting your own jet plane. This kind of all enveloping dash started showing up on cars in the '70's. They wrapped around the driver and had all the controls close by and more or less out of range of the co-pilot or passenger. Note how on the later instrument panels one doesn't see the steering column as it disappears into the dash. Now we can talk to our cars and they'll respond (Bluetooth) and even park themselves, which I think is just plain wrong.

Somethings improve over time and other things don't, but I sure think that our cars' instrument panels are the former.

Until next time.........

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