Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23: New Batmobile!

I figured out that the new Batmobile is this 2012 Acura TL with a matte body wrap, black rims, (probably) illegal deep tint and some blacked out chrome. Look at that front end  -  brings back memories of Bruce Wayne and the Batcave doesn't it? And with AWD it will go wherever Batman wants it to (well maybe).

Unfortuntely I grew up in a time when we wanted our cars to be clean and shiny, not clean and flat (yeah I know, "matte" sounds better). I don't care what Batman might want to drive, this just doesn't work for me. Would I drive it? Sure as an attention getter for a few days, then please take it back. I'd keep it a bit longer if it had the rocket or jet motor.

My own ride is an '09 TL AWD in SHINY black with deep tint and although it's an acquired taste, I like the look. Great car and with the brown interior it looks very German. Interesting though how a few mods can dramatically change a car's looks.

By the way, Batman's little buddy, Robin, would probably drive the Mini suv in the background. Talk about scary, this thing is a fully loaded '11 and crossed the curb at (please sit down) $48,000 list!!!! Give me a great big break  -  what Mini is worth that? Great marketing, but there has to be a couple of dozen other ways to use nearly $50 large. Like maybe that TL?

Unusual that there is another F1 race this week after the season opener last week. Interesting race and the winner Jensen Button is an amazing driver  -  cool in the extreme. Who'll win this time?

Until next week........


  1. That TL looks pretty cool. The matte finish does look a bit "unfinished" tho, doesn't it? How does the matte finish fare in the car wash and keeping clean in general?

    1. Haven't heard anything negative, but check out those older advertising wraps - same process.

  2. I would keep the wheels from that TL. As for the Mini, for 48 large gimme a X3 from the same stable.
