Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23: What Car Books I Read

No one can call themselves a true "car guy" unless they back it up with some sort of material proof, not just an "I like cars" type of comment. You've read how I work in my hobby and you know that I've been building/collecting models forever and that I once owned a vintage(?) Caddy. So what else builds my credentials in the car business and as a "car guy"? How about what I read?

I subscribe to or read several car magazines each month. Here's a rundown and some comments.......

Car & Driver  -  have subscribed to this mag since the late 60's and still have many of the old copies, like their irreverant tone

AutoWeek  -  comes out bi-weekly and has lots of very up to date info, often borrowed from its sister publication, Automotive News

Automotive News  -  trade paper we receive weekly at the office, lots of behind the scenes industry news and the very latest info on the new cars

Hemmings Classic Car  -  Hemmings is a famous name in the field of older cars and they have two very good monthly publications in addition to their old standard mag of classified ads, Hemmings Motor News

Collectible Automobile  -  bi-monthly with great, very in depth articles about older cars and their development and no ads. Have every issue except the first one  -  classy publication

Hemmings Muscle Car  -  like their Classic Car mag, this one is filled with interesting shorter articles covering shows, old photos, reminisces and restorations

Scale Auto  -  eight issues a year with all car model stuff for the car modeling car guy and his CMC

Newspapers.......Wheels (Toronto Star) and Drive (Globe & Mail) are both very well done with the "best of" nod going to Wheels, not crazy about the National Post's Friday car section.

Also read Motor Trend from time to time, as well as an assortment of other mags depending on their articles. Yes, I do have time to do other things like building models, working out, golfing, baking (I do great desserts) and book reading. These days one of my most prized possessions is my library card. A recent read that I recommend is.......

It's a story of a budding race car driver and his family as told through the eyes of his dog Enzo (you know where that comes from). Enzo relates life to racing. This is not a comedy, but a well written story by a smart dog (it sounds strange, but read it and you'll know what I mean). Haven't met anyone who didn't really love this book (except my wife). Worth your time.

'nough said about how I earn my car guy credentials.

Until next time.........

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