Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aug 7: Grand Prix and a Cat

 About every six weeks I finish another model. Sure, some take much longer and a few a bit less time, but generally every month and a half, will see another newly built model on my shelves.

This one is a 1965 Pontiac Grand Prix. I had built one back in the day, but did a job typical of my skills at that time. Of course, one hopes to get better, so I bought a re-leased kit and again built this '65. Pure white with a chocolate interior.

 I don't care about the motors on my models and usually glue the hood shut (called a "curbside" model), but I want the finished car to look like the real thing. The model is spray painted, all the chrome is applied with a very thin adhesive foil and all the names are painted silver. Other detailing is done with black paint. All that's missing is a miniature me sitting in the driver's seat. How does this model compare to the real car? Take a look........

As always, I have to give a shout out to my willing helper, the CMC, Car Modeling Cat. Always an asset when it comes to putting glue to plastic........

Here she is early in the build, checking out the Grand Prix's box and assessing our next move. What a cat!

Until next time.........

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