Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oct 2: Popemobile - what Jesus would drive?

The Popemobile. Almost as famous as the Pope himself, at least to us car guys, who are interested in anything vehicular. The Popemobile. So well known that one can even buy a toy version of it (above), complete with a miniature Pontiff. I believe that the adoring crowds could be purchased separately.

All kidding aside, the Popemobile has quite a history and variety of vehicles from this 1930 Benz (a favorite Papal brand)........

To this behemoth Leyland truck........

Kind of a party Popemobile with room for all the cardinals? This one was not retained by the Vatican and was recently sold at auction for about $130,000. Buy it and be the talk of the neighbourhood as you take your kids to soccer practice.

Always custom vehicles, whether they were a landau like this Mercedes-Benz 600......

.......given to the Pope in 1965, used for 20 years and returned to Mercedes in 1985 (currently in their museum). Times change and so did the Popemobile. Security became a major issue, so the Pope had to be enclosed and protected. This Benz ML is representative of the design of current Popemobiles......

Before the enclosure became mandatory, the custom convertible took many forms, such as this Cadillac de Ville based P'mobile with the typical raised middle seat......

Papal Limousine interior
Never let it be said that the Papacy is not current. Recently (Sept,2012), Renault presented his Holiness with an electric Kangoo van (in white of course).........

I could make all sorts of tacky comments, about the Pope's electrifying speeches or his shocking views, but I'll leave those for less principled bloggers. But even the unobservant can see that His Holiness is not particularly interested in this model and is (probably) longing for his beloved Mercedes. So much for keeping up with the times.

Until next time.......

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