Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oct 21: More money to burn

 Money to burn? Think of Stephen Hung (the interestingly dressed guy in this pic). He definitely has money to burn, but a fellow like this prefers to give his hard earned cash to Rolls Royce rather than burn it. Hung made the news recently as he ordered thirty (!!!!) half million dollar RR Phantoms as courtesy cars for his Macau hotel, the Louis XIII (let them eat cake). This certainly wouldn't be the first hotel to use this ultra luxury car as its standard bearer, but Hung's order is the biggest ever and all these Rollers are to feature custom interiors. Which brings me to the point of today's blog..........if you have the money to spend (burn?), then look towards Rolls Royce, since they will do anything to one of their cars that you ask and for which you are able to pay. Now back to Stephen Hung's fleet.......

.......and this rather uniquely decorated interior, which will be the signature of all thirty of his Phantoms. Anything to stand out, eh? Oh, I forgotten to mention that, two will also include gold accents.

A couple of weeks ago here in Toronto, I saw a new Rolls Ghost done up in what was in my mind, a horrific colour scheme. But then again, if you ask for it and show Rolls the money, they will build it for you. Here is the Ghost in question.........

Yikes! Silver with bright green sides and matching accents on those very expensive rims. Now who ever thought that this would be a striking combo? Let me correct myself, this combination certainly is striking, but not in the most complimentary way. Money to burn?

Or how about this interior, done to match the bright outside of this Phantom coupe.......

Whether it is your taste, it does look good and perfect for those sunny days cruising the French Riviera or the Amalfi Coast. But, you want something a little less showy, while at the same time displaying your unique taste to all those who peak thru your windows........

Fit for a king or whatever you consider yourself to be these days. And of course, the stable boy can keep those pearly white seats perfectly clean or he can look for another job. I wonder if a child seat can be attached?

Enough with the interiors, you want your $500k semi limo to stand out for other reasons. You want everyone to know whose Rolls that they are lusting after (or maybe not, if this is the colour). And note the matching interior. You got the coin bucko? Then those good folks at RR will gladly bend to your every whim.

 Or how about a cabrio that will catch the sun and the attention of everyone else on the road? How about a 100% chrome plated Phantom Drophead? Who says you can't see yourself in a Rolls Royce?

You have the money and the imagination? Step right up and introduce yourself to those fine folks at Rolls Royce. They know how to make your automotive dreams come true. How to make you stand out. How to make you the hit of the country club. You only have to think it, then the Rolls factory will take your money and turn out a creation that only you will have.

Time to start saving?

Until next time.......

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