Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dec 2: Marauder and a cat

Those involved in the aerodynamics field found out long ago that, you can't race a brick. Well, the Fords and Mercurys of the early 1960's were not exactly bricks (well actually everything was a brick back then), but they had a very upright roof line, which couldn't compete on the high speed tracks with the Chevy and Pontiac designs. Solution? Simply design a lower, sort of a fastback roof and call this model the Marauder. Now this improved things quite a lot (the lower roof line at least). Of course, what goes on the track, must, at the same time, go into the nation's showrooms and this brings us to today's blog.

I always liked the old Mercurys, so it was a natural for me and the CMC (Car Modeling Cat) to want to built our own Marauder, but the street version.......

Hard to believe these behemoths roamed the race tracks of the US. As usual with my models, the hood is glued shut, but all the details on the exterior are as close to the real car, as we can possibly get. Like the name plates, the red centres on the hubcaps, the Ontario licence plates. Just like the real thing......

Of course, I think ours looks better in yellow than the real white car below it. If I didn't tell you, would you know which one was the model?

Hard to find something to photograph it on that looks kind of realistic. Usually, I use an industrial background, but this time, I've tried a couple of different venues, one being the stairs. I think I'll go back to the usual location. Notice the other car? Of course, you do........

 It's a Toronto police car. I bought a plain white diecast and also, Toronto decals from a California company - voila' a 1/24th scale TO patrol car to add to my cop car collection (another story for another day). I did this one myself, as my trusty helper can't do much with decals. She likes doing the building part.......

......ah, yes, here is the little dear working away on the Marauder, with some of our other projects showing in the background (stay tuned). What a great cat! And a very hard worker.

Mercury Marauder. Actually a strange name for a top of the line luxury car, it probably suited the lower Mercury series better, but that is the way it was back in the day. Things have changed over time, man have they ever.

Until next time.........

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