Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nov 8: Election day USA

Election day. Normally this would be just another election, important but not necessarily scary like Halloween or Friday the 13th or like having a black cat cross your path. This one is the exception. This election is none of those, but scarier than all of them put together. Well folks, let's put politics aside and check out some wheeled election cars and see if we can put some humour into this nerve wracking day.

When one is running for prime minister of an important country, you'd think there would be motorcades and security and all the other paraphernalia associated with the office and the campaign. But this pic is from the '60's, so things were obviously different in understated merry old England........

In case you don't recognize him, this is Edward Heath, running for prime minister and he isn't even in a convertible, the politicians' car of choice before the armoured Suburbans took their place. No, Eddie is popping up thru the sunroof of an ultra conservative Triumph Herald. Makes sense actually, as he was leader of the Conservative party. Certainly has the attention of the throngs(?) of avid(?) supporters waiting to get a glimpse of their future PM.

Moving right along........

Irony is a wonderful thing. Like this fellow leaning against a German smart car, whose election message is, well you can read. German car? The future of Britain? Ironic indeed.

Let's go from irony to subtlety......

No signs other than the candidate's head shot, but there is no question he is running for the Tiger party. Why overstate things, when a simple paint job will get your message out there for you. And in case the paint doesn't work, that tiger head on the door should do the trick.

Running for election on a budget? Ah, those good old days, when one could run for a major office from the tailgate of a station wagon.........

Recognize this humble candidate? He went on to bigger, but not necessarily better things. This pic is of Richard Nixon running for the senate in California. At least he chose a top of the line Ford wagon. No elitist Buick for our man, Richard Milhous Nixon.

Now, this car used in electioneering surprised me, considering the candidate...........

Evita - Eva Peron! Who would have expected her to use a beat up old Hudson? This flamboyant leader should have, at the very least, used a Cadillac, but maybe she should have gone to the top rung and used a Rolls Royce? Her adoring supporters would have understood.

That was then, this is now..........

Wonder how the driver feels about this campaign car? I guess money trumps (there's that five letter word again) logic and intelligence. But what US election campaign would be complete without some involvement from NASCAR?

But's get really serious here and go to the most effective vehicular advertising of the 2016 US presidential election. Let's use the candidate's most unusual and dare I say, controversial feature to advertise his presence.......

You can see this coming a mile away, giving you time to run and hide or at least plug your ears.

Ah, the 2016 US presidential election. We haven't had this much verbal and mental abuse since Rob Ford ran for election, as mayor of our great city, Toronto. But that was then and this is now. Makes me glad to be a Canadian.

Until next time.......

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