Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Feb 28: The car show

The Canadian International Auto Show, aka the Toronto auto show. The biggest car show in the world based on attendance of about 325k. Say what! That can't be right, since Chicago's show, which runs at the same time, tops 750k. Ah, but there is a caveat to this fact, that is that the Toronto show is a "dealer" show, run by the dealers' association, whereas Chicago, Detroit and others are put on by the manufacturers. So Toronto has the largest attendance for a dealers' show. This also explains why Chicago usually gets the Detroit concepts a month later, whereas Toronto usually gets them a year later. But, to me it is a car show and since I love cars, I'd crawl a mile over broken glass to see those cars no matter who put it on. Savvy?

So, what did I see? The newspapers have a done a good job of showing the new introductions, so what was shown, that yuo probably won't see elsewhere? How about this purple and black Rolls-Royce Wraith?

Unusual? I think that would be a very good description. Although purple is my favorite colour, would I slap it on a $400k plus Roller? And, if I were the dealer would I bring this combo in on spec? Questions to ponder while we go thru a few other standouts.

Tired of seeing another Lambo everytime you take yours out for a quick boot? Tired of having just another Italian exotic? Want something that nobody will miss?  Hey, who doesn't.

Yes, this very unusual splattered paint effect will stop even the most car oblivious passerby in their tracks. And, if they have a magic marker, just maybe they will add to the colour scheme you've chosen, while using bad drugs. Curb appeal? Depends on where that curb is, I guess.

If you've read my blog for a long time, then you've come across a pic of this GMC display a couple of times before (once a year, in fact). Sure, been there, done that, but this raised truck always gets my attention. Who will have the guts to walk under it? Those stands look strong, but..........

Undecided about what tire to get, when the cords start to show thru? Want something that will be effective and at the same time be very interesting? Something you and your best buds can have a brew, while sitting around them in deep discussion? Then this concept tire could be the next one to grace whatever ride you have. 

Although, if the concept below is your next dream machine, even better. Now, take a good look at that front end and tell me who thought up this wide ride.

But Barry, tires aren't my thing, so is there anything else that I can do? 'Nuff said.........

Switching gears completely, do you long for the good old days? Or at least, what you thought were the good old days? Wish that GM had actually produced their Motorama dream car, the Le Sabre, instead of teasing us with a wide ride, that their head designer used on a regular basis?

The neat thing about the Toronto show, is that it is multifaceted, in that along with the new cars, they also have dislays that could be called Memory Lane, since they show all sorts of old stuff. But really, would anyone look at this dash from the '50's and long for the simplicity of the old days? Yikes, where are my sunglasses?

Do your good old days contain memories of the races and racers, who brought you to the edge of your seat before the driver(s) came to their unfortunate and premature demise? If so, then were you one of those who stood around Gilles Villeneuve's Ferrari F1 car and reminisced?

But this is the Canadian International Auto Show, meaning it focuses on new cars, while the the other stuff is added, but very interesting, fluff. So, what else might one have seen, as they wandered the many levels and nooks and crannies of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre?

How about this new and very beautiful Aston Martin.......

......or the gorgeous new Ford GT, which if you don't see at the auto show, you may never see on a city street, unless you live near the rich and famous, like Drake......

.......or this line up of the sublime to the ridiculous (check out that G wagen) Mercedes........

.......or, if your tastes tend towards the "strange but true" category, then this Land Rover Evoque cabrio, should be right up your alley.......

Ah yes, the auto show, Barry's kid in a candy store time. A time, when I can stroll the exhibits and try to engage the manufacturers' reps in meaningful (at least to me) conversations, about their latest mistakes, successes or whatever. A time to see the current and unusual (VW Dune, I'm talking to you)..........

.....or the recent concepts, like this fresh from Detroit Nissan.......

 Any and all are of interest to this car guy, but worth crawling over a mile of broken glass? You decide.

Until next time......

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