Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 27: Old is new again?

Trend setter? Who would have imagined the humble Mini would be a trend setter. Humble? Not likely. Amazing though to see how one design can be made into such a variety of models, that all look like the original. But ignoring all that, check out the roof of this car. White. It could also have been black or depending on the model, another colour or the Union Jack. Wonder why someone didn't yell, "Tutone!"? Probably because this colour contrast harkened back to the original Mini, so no one thought it was anything out of the ordinary. Oh, but it was, it was two toned, something that hadn't been done on anything short of a Rolls for many years. Trend setter.

Look at what's now happening overseas........

From the top, a new Kia, a Citreon and an Opel. All with a contrasting roof. Apparently this new trend is really catching on, so much so that production has been slowed since these tutones are much more time consuming to produce. Obviously those product planners never in their wildest figured that more than a handful of early adopters would pony up for a change of roof colour.

Once upon a time, tutones were all the rage and a necessary feature of all cars and some even had three tones........

When I was growing up, all of my folk's cars were tutoned. But like all good(?) ideas, this one went for many years and eventually was dropped. In all of my research, the last American car I found that could be ordered in contrasting shades goes all the way back to 1984. That's over thirty years ago, folks.........

And now we seem to be coming full circle. Who will be the first to offer a three tone again? Not breath holding, please.

Now the latest is the new Citreon C3.......

This neat little suv, copies a key design feature of big sister Cactus, with those soft sides, but adds that tutone, as its own unique talking point. This trend is growing and what is old is new again. We've seen this with the rise and fall and rise again of chrome trim. Also with black rims. Also with matte or satin finishes. And now with contrasting colours. Apart from the Mini, what car will be first to show up over here with this feature?

Would it surprise you, if I told you it is Toyota, that well known purveyor of the avant garde?

The C-HR has fewer straight lines than a comedian's sidekick. Bad analogy, as it has no straight lines, but it does have an up and coming snazzy tutone.

And Nissan will be following close behind with its new for 2018 Juke replacement, the Kicks..........

Strange name, but was Juke any more normal?

So watch for this tutoning to start showing up more frequently as the car manufacturers once again go back to the past for their future.

Until next time......

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