Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10: Next?

Everyone is rushing to the pick-up truck table hoping that they aren't too late to get in on our insatiable demand for something most of us will never need. The last entrant was Mercedes with the brand new, Nissan cloned, X Class. Not in North America yet, but you can hold your breath. Hyundai has promised us something based on their recent concepts. Who might be next?

Before you answer, take a look at one of this company's past offerings.........

A real Volkswagen pick-up? Well maybe a nice try from back in the time of those ultra small, car based trucklettes. Something more contemporary would be better.........

Something like the Amarok. This quad cab is sold everywhere else around the world by VW, but not here in North America. Reason? Maybe not for lack of trying. Our local VW execs have had to bow down to the wishes of the German head office and over there, they don't think we need a pick-up over here. Got that? Then last week at the rising in importance New York auto show, the wraps came off of this interesting concept, the Atlas Tanoak.........

Atlas? Tanoak? The first name is easy, as this truck is being built off the Atlas suv platform, one of a few versions that will be forthcoming. The second name? Anyone know what a tanoak is? Not as catchy as F-150 or Ram or Tundra, but each to his own drummer.

Anyway, back to this concept. Nothing for certain yet, but since the platform is available and the Tanoak was intro'd in NYC, maybe we should read something into this? Maybe we should get the idea that the North American brass will have some input into our future products?

Make some minor cosmetic changes and in my opinion the Tanoak is ready to roll, but is VW ready to roll it?

Until next time........

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