Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1: Another birthday

Just a lowly farm vehicle with an amazing reputation and also the street cred of knowing the Royals. Before getting into a little history, let's light those candles, 70 of them and celebrate this milestone birthday of the tough as nails Land Rover. A luxury ride extraordinaire. Hold on just a minute, friendo. You are getting way ahead of yourself and the rest of us. For those youngsters reading this blog, it might interest you to know the high and mighty Range Rover had very humble beginnings. Hair shirt humble. Just a basic farm implement with no trimmings........

But as its reputation grew and a few comforts were added, those with a bit more coin stepped up and bought one of these, still fairly rough, 4x4's. Recognize these folks?

Function over form, but nothing like the luxo ride that it was to become in the future.

Seeing a place for a more civilized "farm" vehicle, Land Rover added to the line with the first Range Rover and boy did that lead to changes over the years. Going from this manually equipped two door.......

.....to the luxury oozing out of everybody panel Autobiography Dynamic, that for over $200k Canadian can find a home in front of your estate's front door.......

Along the way, good old Land Rover made every model in the intervening years super capable and even this red ride can go places mere mortal suv's would never dare to tread. And every new Land Rover had to earn its place and show what it could do right from model #1.......

Most of us would think any vehicle finding themselves in either of these situations would be placed on a death watch, but not a Land Rover. Engage super low gear and rock on, baby. Try to avoid the fish. My wife's British uncle had a sheep farm on the Welsh border. Rough hill country with lousy narrow dirt roads. What was parked by his barn? You got it a Land Rover like the yellow one above.

Over the years, this...........

.....has evolved into this, but not yet leather interior and a manual trans.........

......to what the finest Range Rovers wear to the ball these days........

Ultra luxurious back seat, since also in 2018, it wouldn't be uncommon to find this "basic farm implement" being chauffeur driven.

Seventy years of evolution and proven ability. Seventy years to move from the farmers' field to the head of the manor's garage, while still being tough as nails and while being outfitted in the finest leathers and technology.

You come a long way, old boy, but I bet you still have the energy to blow out those 70 candles. Celebrate. You deserve it.

Until next time.......

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