Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11: Pass the Grey Poupon, please

Who would have thought it? Who would have ever expected it? Who could even imagine it? Sure, there were the occasional Rolls-Royce station wagons, but they were always built by independent coachbuilders.

But this old world of ours is changing and our thirst for sport utility vehicles just can't be quenched, no matter how many end up in the automobile showrooms of the world. Look at those unexpected car lines that have added suvs over the past few years. Names like Porsche, Jaguar, Maserati, Bentley and surprisingly even Lamborghini. Who could have thought it, expected it, imagined it? All are selling in high numbers and usually much more than the cars in each line. That's a fact the car companies can't ignore. Heck, rumours abound that Ferrari has one in the works. 

So back to yesterday's long expected and anticipated unveiling of the latest high end suv to market, the Rolls-Royce Cullinan. Named after the biggest raw diamond ever found. How appropriate. Let's clear something up before we go any further, Rolls' new addition is not an suv. Rolls wouldn't lower themselves to join the herd. No sir, the Cullinan is a high bodied vehicle. What? Ask Rolls, cause I have no idea. 

I can tell you that this thing is big........

Big like length half way between the short and the long Escalades. Big like about five inches wider than that huge Cadillac. Big in that its starting price is $325K USD. Note.....starting price, as few of the Cullinan buyers will be interested in an off-the-rack version.

What makes this high bodied vehicle (HBV) a Rolls? Luxury, baby, luxury. An interior to die for.......

And to speak of dying and to make it more Rolls like, suicide doors........

You thinking there must be more to it than this and of course, you would be 100% correct. Where else but on a Rolls-Royce HBV would you have a rear seat option, that lets you picnic at the races (like Ascot, for the plebs amongst you).........

Sit there shaded from the sun, drinking champagne and watching to see if your win, place or show ticket brings home the bacon. But do you really care? Probably not, since you can afford a Cullinan. But tradition is tradition and Rolls upholds tradition so dam well.

Other nice little touches make your new HBV stand out. Things like the leather door panels embossed with the lovely Spirit of Ecstacy. Or simple, but important identifiers, in case anyone has missed the flying lady atop that stand out and very traditional front end.......

When Roll-Royce finally caved to their high end public's demands, you just knew that they would do an suv, oops HBV, in their own unique way. Make it stand out like nothing else in its price range. Actually, it is the only one in that price range, but let's not quibble over semantics.

Cullinan. Time to check your bank account, since the line up outside every Rolls showroom has already started.

Until next time.......

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