Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 26: McLaren cars and $

Recognize this race car? Since you are reading this column, you probably do. It's the McLaren Formula 1 car driven by World Champions Lewis Hamilton and Jensen Button. The Taj Mahal that it resides in, is the McLaren Tech Centre in Surrey, England. Any money in F1? See a team headquarters like this and you have to ask? I may be off a bit, but I think it probably costs about $400 million/year to run this team. Get that, buckos? $400 million!

Aerial view

This place sure is a sight. Granted, Mclaren also designs and builds road cars, but F1 and all its money came first. The Mercedes SLR and the current McLaren MP4 (below) are but off shoots of McLaren's main reason for being and that is racing.

 Wha a dream car, but check out that Tech Centre in the background and below........

Wha a palace for their race team and manufacturing facilities.......

I'm always amazed at how much money is put into any race team, but the $15 or $20 mil that it takes to field a competitive NASCAR team really does seem miniscular by comparison. And how about these transporters, which don't even carry the cars....... cars at all. These F1 transporters carry two story office and hospitality facilities to each race. Talk about taking the show on the road!

I'm sure you know that race winnings also don't pay the salaries or pay for the technology Or pay for these huge buildings. No those are paid for by you thru the sponsors. Get it? You buy the products, the money is put into sponsorships, which causes you to buy more products. And so on.

This blog is just about McLaren with one of the more lavish team headquarters, but I find it interesting to show just how much money is floating the sport of F1. Nothing like capitalism.

Until next time.......

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