Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 29: Road trip - the Detroit Auto Show

"Ne plus ultra". The best of the best. This is exactly what the Detroit Auto Show (or more correctly, the North American International Auto Show) is to this side of the Atlantic. Generally considered to be one of the top three shows in the world, based on new car intro's and press coverage (5000-6000 reporters in attendance). Remove all the cars and the displays are still outstanding. My brother and I went last Friday and here are some of my pics, starting with the star of the show.......

2014 Corvette Stingray with adoring fans
And moving on to some exhibits.........

A picture is worth a thousand words, but you really had to be there. Some specific car displays that caught my attention were......
Viper street and racing versions
2013 NASCAR Camry
There is a real problem with attending this show though. It is in the middle of winter and one has to get the weather just right. We did going down from Toronto, but coming back was less than ideal. If I was the only one on the road, no problem (where have you heard that before?), but sadly that was not the case. Anyway, the stress and traffic aggravation was almost worth it. 

One last pic, that in no way lets you see how neat it was in real life, almost 3D, you would swear that this car was coming at you.........
2014 BMW 4 series coupe
"Ne plus ultra". If you are a true car guy/gal, you owe it to yourself to see this show at least once. Take a train, drive, fly or hitch, but do it. For $12 it is one great car ride!

Until next time.........

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