Friday, January 10, 2014

Classic Vette and the CMC

 I really love the new Corvette. I loved the last one (with due respect to my loving wife Barbara, of course). But the all time best Corvette (my opinion yet again), was the 1963 thru '67 version, the C2 in 'Vette enthusiasts' parlance. This was a giant leap forward after the '50's styled C1.

Even today this car will turn heads. Recent years' old car auctions have shown that collectors will spend the big bucks to add one or several to their collections. I used to dream about having one of these beauts, but the idea of sitting in a field with one and a picnic basket never crossed my mind. The girl? Well that's another matter..

With no $ to buy one, what is the next best thing? Of course, regular readers will know what is coming next........

.......if you guessed the little Car Modeling Cat's latest adventure, you would be correct. Over the holidays we built our version of this classic, in the only way in which we could afford a plastic model. Who cares, we still have a great little version that requires no maintenance.

A red hot fuel injected dream machine with the mandatory "four on the floor", whitewall tires and a white interior, so '60's.......

Now what about that '63 split window coupe lurking in the background? That is a 50 year old model (where does the time go?), built by my older brother back in the day. Probably the last one he ever built before moving on to more teenager type interests. Although not as detailed as my convertible, he built very clean models. I bet if he had continued with this hobby, his models today would be stunning. I bought him a '68 Dodge Charger model for Christmas, so let's see if his interest and abilities can be piqued.

One more look
Ah, the good old days!

Until next time.......

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