Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4: Wildcat and a wild cat, part 1

Obviously, this is the Wildcat. Now please know that I'm not stuck in the past or even the '60's, but I do have some good memories from back in the day. And also, the cars of that decade featured some great designs, taken of course, in the context of their time. This is the 1966 Buick Wildcat, Buick's "sporty" big sedan. It seems funny to say that now, in a time when we really know what a sporty sedan is and what it can do. But, as I said it has to be taken in context. One magazine called it an executive hot rod, since it was pricey and had a big 425 cubic inch motor.

Now this pic is of the wild cat........

My regular blog readers know that this is the CMC or the Car Modelling Cat. In her quieter moments, she becomes the erstwhile model builder, or at least the helper. In front of her is our version of the 1966 Buick Wildcat, although on a much more manageable and affordable 1/24th scale. Some models just work. What I mean by this, is that they go together very well and the finished product is a dead ringer for the original full size car. We found that this was one of those builds.

Even the chrome "Wildcat" name on the rear fenders came out well and check out those wheels.....

The CMC and I spent a lot of time planning this build and doing our research. Yes, readers, we just don't open the box, get some paint and glue and go to it. There is a lot of planning that we have to do first. Our Wildcat model sat on our work bench for a month, while we looked it over and made sure that we got the details just right. As you can tell, we are very pleased with the end result.

Check out this pic of a real Wildcat and see if you can tell the difference between the model and the real one  -  is it real or Memorex?

Until next time........

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