Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 24: Shanghai Auto Show: More fun from the east

Used to be that the Shanghai Auto Show was a "Who cares?" event. After all, the Chinese had strange cars and not too many of them at that. But as you know, things have changed in a huge way over the last very few years. The Shanghai show is a biggie and there are things to watch for........

1) their strange cars, but let's just say that, they are evolving
2) world introductions
3) clones of someone else's design

Let's take a look at a few that caught my attention.........

The world has generally turned their back on the smart car and the Toyota IQ (Scion in North America), but that doesn't mean that, someone in the Forbidden Kingdom shouldn't give it another try. Witness the EX Concept. Funky fun or just another unusual design to get attention of the show goers?

Just a short time ago, who would ever have thought that, the once favorite North American car, the Taurus, would have its new for 2016 restyle introduced in China? Who would even have thought that, there might be a market for this cop car in the People's Republic?

Great looking, this 2017(?) Taurus should help to raise Ford's profile in the east. Heck it might even start selling again in North America to regular folks and not just your local sheriffs. Either way, get used to seeing it in your rear view with blue and red lights on top.

Honda is often knocked for having designs which, let's say, might be considered less than inspiring. But whoa, take a look at this "for China only" suv.......

See any reason that, this gorgeous crossover wouldn't have made a terrific addition to their line up in North America? Too sporty for Honda, then call it an Acura. My prediction? This will eventually find its way into our market place as either a Honda or an Acura (the latter for sure could use the sales boost). 

What would the Shanghai show be without a few new clones? Well, it wouldn't be the Shanghai show. Take this one for example........

......and just in case that, you didn't see the similarity, I've added a real Porsche Cayman pic below for comparison purposes. Imitation is usually the sincerest form of flattery, but what do they say about blatant coping? I know what I say.

What else can you expect to see at Shanghai? 

 These scenes are long gone from the North American shows, but one must admit they add a certain something. Not sure whether the lady in the bottom pic is highlighting that car or advertising Red Bull (get it - RB gives you wings). Any guesses?

Until next time......

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