Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 30: Those Hearse Ads

When was the last time you saw an ad for a new hearse? What's this, Barry, you think we all subscribe to Mortician Daily? You know, the publication that runs articles like, Looking Good in Your Casket or Urns to Die For. Well, no, I didn't expect anyone would put up their hand when asked that question. The point is, that of course, there are ads in the trade publications for these custom built conveyances. I'm fascinated by hearses for all the right reasons. They are custom built. They use a variety of cars. They use a variety of body styles. Then, of course, there are the over the top names. And over the years, their advertising has also changed.

Back in the day, a much broader variety of cars were used as the basis for hearses and their kin, ambulances, as seen in this ad for a plain Jane Ford, perfect for the underachieving funeral parlour...........

But, now with station wagons being a thing of the past, the opportunities to use any old wagon with upgraded rear springs has gone by the wayside. Ads like this are history.

But one thing has stayed constant over the years, high end luxury cars like Cadillac and Lincoln form the basis of the best hearses. These cars that, will haul our remains to the graveside, represent the final bit of style our bodies will ever experience.........

Great ads showing all the exclusive features that, make our final ride something we'll remember (use your imagination, ok?). Ever seen a hearse with this colour combo? Or like this Olds........

My favorite kind of funeral car is called a combination, as seen and explained in this magazine ad.........

Combination? Means that with the removal of the hearse landau bar panel, it becomes an ambulance, since many funeral homes also provided the local ambulance service. Two questions. One, would the funeral home have an incentive to rush the patient to hospital in order to save them? And two, you are feeling poorly and the local hearse rolls up to your door, albeit with one minor change. Of course, if you had read this ad, you would know the difference. Rest a little easier.

Let's get a newer with this creative and classy ad for a Cadillac.......

All those great selling features. Its end user? An individualist in life, an individualist in death.

But what's with this Mercedes van hearse advertisement? Are they trying to say, one could use it for deliveries, when its funeral duties were done for the day? Maybe, they should have been tastefully clearer?

Talking about an interesting message in your colourful new hearse ad........

Are they saying that you should end it now, so you can experience the classic beauty of this late '50's Cadillac today? Or, are they simply saying, get used to it, since you'll never get out alive, at least one should go out in a Cadillac? Play around with it - what can you come up with?

Today's ads are less, well, shall we say that, they are simply less..........

Low key in the new millennium kind of way. No fancy colours, no grandiose backdrops. Let the hearse's beauty speak for itself. Or, in the case of the Lincoln, scare the funeral director towards the traditional styling of the Cadillac.

We see funeral vehicles all the time and thankfully from the outside, but we never see ads for them. My blog today has shown you what you will have found in Mortician Daily or Undertaker Weekly over the years (we've only scratched the surface, folks). And as expected, there are other options, than what would be considered traditional.........

Make of this ad, what you will.

Until next time.......

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