Question. Why is it that in all the ads bragging about what a Ford, Chev or Ram can pull, they are shown with this similar load.........

Great ad, but unlikely we'll ever see a Touareg at Frankfurt airport pulling a 747, but you get the point. Right? (what is the point, anyway?)
But what about when some poor soul hasn't gotten the point?
Moving can be expensive, but this old Pontiac might be giving its all with this one last load, assuming of course that it even makes it. What, no friends with a pick-up? Maybe no friends at all. Wonder who's got his mattress?
But stupidity, or should we say optimism, isn't restricted to North America. Think the Poncho above was being strained to its limit? Nothing compared to this Russian merchant, saving some coin by making his family sedan the work horse for his thriving fruit and vegetable business.
Might be tough getting up to speed even on a sidewalk, but that's a worry for later. Better he should invest in a truck that is better suited to the job at hand, like this one.......
Putting those blind spot monitors and back up sensors to good use (ie: the folks riding on top), as this heavy load wends its way to wherever. Might be a good idea, if the dude at the top puts out his cigarette or whatever they smoke in his corner of the world.
No matter the extreme load, these guys used a vehicle suited to the task, even if the manufacturer never planned it that way. Creativity or necessity is being shown here......
Obviously the local transit system is using one vehicle to carry parcels and transport their paying customers. In our city, we use trucks and buses to perform these tasks, but not everyone has this luxury. Maybe this pic wasn't taken in North America?
Yes, I know it seems strange and possibly even cruel, but have you priced out a new pick-up lately? Put a few tasty options on one and the $50k figure rapidly disappears in the rearview mirror. So, your bike is the only option. Obviously it helps when the jars are empty. Heck, any one of us would be up to this task.
A couple of other over achievers and under thinkers..........
I always say, use the best tool for the job at hand. Well, maybe I don't always say it, but it's implied. This smart car owner thinks like me and is not over estimating what his tiny car can do........
......while this Ram driver knows exactly what his big bruiser can accomplish......
......and again with those tractors. So think about it folks. You've got a heavy load that no beast of burden can possibly move for you (nor should it), then turn to the most capable vehicle available and don't put your poor horse, your old truck or the family car thru hell, just because you want to save a bit of coin.
Another life lesson, courtesy of the Wheel to Wheel blog.
Until next time.......
Great post, Barry! It`s interesting how people think that if it will somehow fit then there should be no problem hauling it. Working in the service department of a small town dealership, I saw a lot of the results of overloading. We sold a single axle GMC 6500 with a long wheelbase to a customer for use carrying silage. I think in hindsight the customer would`ve been better off with a tandem but he was already using two other LWB trucks equipped the same. However, a week after we delivered the truck, it came back with the rear axle busted in two. Warranty was expected but I refused because there was evidence that the customer had used it to haul a fair load of gravel, way over what it was designed to haul. I made some calculations based on the telltale marks left by the gravel in the inside of the box and figured that they had attempted to haul over 36,000 lbs. net. The truck was rated at 27,000 GVW. The customer was a good friend of my boss and I almost lost my job over the refusal. But I managed to keep my job.
ReplyDeleteHi George, so I guess what you are saying is that common sense prevails or in the case of your customer, it didn't.
ReplyDeleteHi Barry. I often think that the truck owners/operators often rationalize that it's only a short distance so what could possibly go wrong? Common sense among many truck drivers is non-existant; that's why we have weigh scales. And even then you've got truckers talking back and forth trying to find a 'safe' route around the scales.