Friday, November 4, 2016

Nov 4: SEMA 2016

Got your attention? No doubt, but the fault with this pic is that this winsome lass is blocking the view of the killer motor in that gorgeous '69 Chevelle convertible. Both are happening at SEMA - the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association show that opened this week in Las Vegas. At one time this trade only show was simply a showcase for new aftermarket auto accessories, but those days have long gone. SEMA is now a trendsetter, heck, maybe they always were, but what happens here invariably finds its way into the driveway next door. Like those black rims, once only seen at SEMA, they have filtered down from the highest priced exotics and customs to the most mundane cars (and in my opinion, still don't look great). Now the auto manufacturers populate SEMA with modified versions of their own cars. Also each year, one make is chosen to be modified by dozens of aftermarket suppliers. Have them give their particular (or peculiar) take on that model.

Where else are you going to see a Jeep Wrangler like this bruiser?

Looking like a Hot Wheels, it is way over the top, but rest assured something from this custom treatment will find its way onto the street. The wheels and tires for sure are already a feature on many of these jacked up rides. The rest of this take no prisoners look......well, I'll let you decide.

And where else but SEMA would you find a Z240 tribute car made from an old Ford Maverick?

It would never have crossed my mind to cross pollinate the two, but some brave soul with a creative mind whirling away, figured it would be a great idea (Google "Project Underdog"). Heck, it made this year's SEMA show and also my blog.

And where else would you see a conservative brand like Toyota unveil an Xtreme series of their most popular models? First up, an Xtreme Corolla......

It's been made into a coupe and it definitely answers a question that nobody was asking. An Xtreme Corolla has got to be an oxymoron. Strange? Sure, but how about an Xtreme Sienna?

Soccer moms of the world unite and demand that Toyota release this ground hugger. Never be embarrased again by nannies showing up in their employers' Escalades, Range Rovers and Mercedes. No sir, with this baby, you could smoke them all and your kids would love you for it.

Think you've had enough of these wild Toyota's? Think again.......

Stop drooling over that Sienna long enough to absorb an important fact about this Toyota Land Speed Cruiser. It has 2000 (two thousand!!!!!) horsepower. Puts most other cars to shame, actually when you think about it, it puts all other cars and trucks to shame. Might need winter tires though, in the northern climes. See all these wild Toyota's at SEMA.

Not to be out done, Chevrolet offered up their Colorado ZH2 (whatever that means).......

Definitely not as quick as the Land Speed Cruiser, but much more intimidating. Park on your neighbour's lawn? No problem and dare them to say anything. See it at SEMA, but unfortunately only if you are in the trade.

Like the carbon fibre look? This is another one of those high priced ideas, that is working its way down thru the ranks of the less costly cars. Usually just a touch here or a touch there for effect, but maybe you want your new Mustang to go all the way. And, just maybe you have the coin to pay for all the way, if so, see this at SEMA......

Not good enough for you and you really do have all the coin necessary to write a cheque for this complete carbon fibre Pagani.........

......then SEMA is where you need to be. Or, just give a big bag of cash to one of your minions, along with shipping instructions to the Middle East. Be the only one on your dune with this wild ride.

SEMA. What a hoot. From the custom cars to the crazy trucks to the manufacturers' concepts, this is now the place to be in early November. Watch for trends and take copious notes. Make sure you don't get caught napping, when one of your competitors puts this beaut on their showroom floor........

Suspend your belief and see it all at SEMA.

Until next time.......

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