Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6: 2018 Honda Accord - you've come a long way baby!

 No one would argue that this disguised 2018 Honda Accord is not a big departure from the current model. Heck, it's a big departure from any past Accord and along with the recent Civic, it signals a giant leap forward in Honda's design language.

Can't see past that camo?

Yeah, I admit it's tough, but not surprising, as Honda has always been able to hide its new cars from prying eyes, until they intro the model to everyone's surprise. Wonder why the other manufacturers always seem to loose the initiative to those pesky auto spy photographers?

Honda Accord. Started out as a terrific smaller two door hatchback, a step up from the Civic, and then in 1979 Honda extended this popular model by adding another set of doors.........

And so the rest is history, as the Accord became the go to car for those who needed a little extra space in a car that handled better than a well worn sofa, i.e. the Toyota Camry. Yes sir, the good old Accord became the benchmark sedan, that all the other manufacturers tried to emulate or at least used as their target. As it is with most cars, the Accord grew, pushed from below by an enlarging Civic. Starting out at a mere 175" (4445 mm for us Canadians) in '79, the 2017 model stretches to 193" (4902 mm for us Canucks). The 2018? Be patient.

But back to that conservative Honda styling. It would never offend anyone and its conservatism was as dependable as its renown reliability. Then things changed. The market asked for (demanded?), some style character in their cars. Something more than rolling white bread. Heck, even Toyota/Lexus started to go wild with it's designs (you be the judge on that one) . Honda is not immune to market forces. The new Civic is an example of where the designers planned to take the brand. Well, if you liked the Civic (and I can sure understand if you don't), you will like the new for 2018 Accord.

But what about that camo, Barry? Yes, I know it's a problem, but let's look at a recent concept for the Chinese market and see if we can lift the veil........

You think this might be Honda's new flagship? It follows along with the Civic styling, although its lines are a little less crazy and that back end is much more tasteful.

How close is this concept to the real thing? Maybe this 1/43rd scale diecast, that has leaked out might be a better indicator.........

Why else would this manufacturer make a model and call it the 2018 Honda Accord? A very good question. If we can be patient, we'll know soon enough.

But, whether this is the car or not, begs the question, will this be the one that makes the buyer rethink their crossover or suv decision? Well, folks, we'll just have to wait and see.

July 14,2017 update..........so we finally see the real 2018 Accord and I think I'm happy to say that the diecast model was somewhat off the mark..........

Until next time.......

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