Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11: Time for a change?

That old Accord getting you down, Bunky? While great in its day, the style is now passe' and long past its prime. Of course, the same could be said about you as well, but never too late to look in the mirror and see something that isn't. And that beautiful person, the one especially meant for you, the one you choose to spend your life with, has moved on to greener pastures and taken the cat. Alone with that old Accord. This could be a sad scenario, but thanks to Executive Modcar Trendz (EMT) in Mumbai, there is hope for you yet.

Picture that old Accord transformed into the car of your dreams. One that will move you along on your life's journey. Picture it transformed into this golden chariot courtesy of EMT.......

While called the Nemesis, it sure won't be yours. This car will increase your stature immensely, as you are stuck in the horrific traffic jams of Mumbai. And, it will do so for relatively cheap coin, but let's not talk about something as mundane as money. A car like the Nemesis transcends those crass thoughts. No one will know from whence this car came (its origins for those of you not into word play). But with the spouse departing for parts unknown, maybe you aspire to even more single life greatness. No family, so those four doors are a waste. Time to check out the EMT catalogue, while still using that trusty, but rusty old Honda.......

Yes, EMT has your number, as it can cut and chop your old hoss into this orange dream ride with their Lambo look alike kit. Who's to know that your ride isn't actually from that famous Italian stable of outrageous exotics?

By now you are realizing that there is a company on the other side of our planet with a very unusual imagination. One that will allow us cash poor unfortunates to experience what only the very rich have been able to do so far. Not a maharaja?  No problem. Take your tired old Accord and have it transformed into a rich man's fantasy.

Ferrari more to your taste? Those rascals at Executive Modecar Trendz understand and have the answer to your unasked question........

Squint and even a bonafide car person would have to look three times to see that this is not quite the Italian stallion it seems. But who cares, as that giddy new love interest of yours sees a Ferrari or a Lambo or even that Nemesis and knows she's hooked up with greatness.

Yes, EMT plays in an interesting field. But not everyone wants or needs these wild offerings, so they also transform RV's into palaces on wheels or even take your extremely luxurious suv up a few notches. ......
We all know that India is emerging onto the world stage as an economic power powerhouse, so who better to serve those budding tastes than EMT. A little out of the way, a lot out of the ordinary, to steal a phrase.

But what a catalogue this varied custom house has. Think those Honda transformations are the stuff of dreams? You have superhero fantasies? Then EMT has just the model for you and this is no joke, even though it is.........

You got it. Your very own Batmobile, street legal and ready to rush to the aid of a love interest in distress. Who would have thought it? Who could imagine it? Who would want it? Whatever, EMT will build it for you with their ready to roll Batmobile kit.

For all of you who felt that if it wasn't European, American or Japanese, it wasn't worth considering, open your eyes and your wallet. Let Executive Modcar Trendz ( tune up your personal heap and make you the envy of the subcontinent.

Until next time......

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