Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5: Hitting the "G" spot

Just another trip to the polo field.

I took this picture on my recent eastern trip, where one of the stops was Brunei. You know, the kingdom about the size of the greater Toronto area, but with oil money pouring in like flooding in a hurricane. The citizens receive a few perks, but the Sultan of Brunei, a car lover from way back, gets the most benefit. Consider an almost 1200 room palace and a 7500 car collection. Disgusting? Probably, as is his recent declaration of Sharia law. But that topic isn't for this blog. Let the CNN crew stone him for that religious(?) edict. No, folks, we are interested in his ride.

While in Brunei, we had to stop on the road by the palace, so that the outriders, the Sultan and the security car could head out of the palace grounds on their way to the polo field. I was a bit disappointed, that all he was driving was a plain old, expensive G Class Mercedes. Look closer, Barry and do a bit of research! What I actually saw was a really expensive, sultan worthy Brabus 800 G63..........

Rolls off the tongue like a stall peppermint, doesn't it? So, who is Brabus and what is this Brabus creation? Brabus is the largest aftermarket producer of hot rodded Benz, a brand they specialize in. Sort of like AMG, but not owned by M-B. The 800? Oh, that's easy. The factory G63 comes with a paltry 577 HP. Hardly enough to move the almost three ton G Class with any authority and after all, the Sultan wants to motor with authority. Those polo ponies can't wait all day. The Brabus 800 packs 800 HP! So, no matter what this beast weighs, it will reach cruising speed rather quickly. Obviously, it helps that you own the road and have outriders clearing your way.

Brabus also makes sure that from the inside, you know that you are motoring along in one seriously luxurious ride.........

The sultan's ride has right hand drive
Starry, starry night  - check out that sparkling headliner

The G Class? I don't get it, no matter how many rappers or sultans drive these ugly dinosaurs. Capable? No question, since like the Range Rover, these things will climb Everest should the need arise. Or at least get to the first base camp......

Will any of the G buyers ever be in this position? Maybe if Rodeo Drive gets flooded out or if there is construction on Toronto's Mink Mile. Otherwise the cobblestone driveway leading to the mansion, would be the closest these hulks get to off roading.

How something this brutal ever made its way off the battlefield and into the hands of the rich and the uber rich is beyond me. In my opinion, humble or otherwise, it should have stayed where it belonged and where it did some good, which is in the hands of the military, for which it was originally developed and is still used.

Let the sultan cruise his restrictive potentate in a stately Cullinan or Bentayga. Forget about the Brabus 800 G63, no matter how much earth shattering power it has.

Until next time.......

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