Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 26: It's a coupe. Really?

So listen up, folks.......every single dictionary on the planet states that a coupe is a two door vehicle. Every single one! I could rant on this for a few more lines, but throwing my hands up in the air, I'll shout, "I give up!". If the car manufacturers persist in calling anything with a roof that even remotely slopes a coupe, well then, so be it.

Cars I can understand, but these suv coupes have me flummoxed. Dam BMW for starting this hideous trend back ten years or so. Designs progress and Mercedes improved suv coupes were somewhat better. A hell of a lot better by comparison, but not what I'd call great looking. Time heals all design wounds and these two latest coupe suv's finally get it right, except of course for that stupid name.

First off, the Porsche Cayenne.......

Not a bad line on this latest misnamed suv. Now compare it to its baby sister, the Macan.......

So the Cayenne becomes a coupe, while the Macan with the same roof line is simply an suv. Go figure. At least they both look good, so why worry about semantics? Though it makes one wonder what a Macan coupe might look like.

Our next new addition is from Audi doing their first suv coupe, the A3........


Someone please give these guys a gold star, along with Porsche, as this is a a great looking addition to their line of suv's. I've liked Audi's for the past few years, but their designs have been conservative, maybe almost too conservative. That has changed recently with the Q8 and now the look alike "baby" suv, the Q3.......

......followed by that new Q3 coupe.

What would our world be without choices?

Now that I'm almost over the misuse of the word coupe, it looks like I can get over the awful looking suv coupes, if the other manufacturers can suggest that their stylists stay a little later and do a good design, instead of leaving early with mediocrity.

Until next time......

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