Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July 3: A legend passes


Imagine being on the covers of both Time and Newsweek at the same time. Imagine being on the cover of even one of them. A rare feat for anyone, but even rarer for a businessman. This happened, as those of you with eyes can see, way back in 1964. The occasion was the introduction of the Mustang. The person of course was auto executive, Lee Iacocca. Gone today, but as the old cliche goes, not forgotten.

Sixty five years ago there was nothing like the Mustang. Hard to imagine a car that wasn't, but Lee Iacocca, could see what few others did. A hard fought corporate decision was made to produce this unusual car based on Ford's lowly economy car, the Falcon. Because the Mustang could use so many common parts, was the only reason that this car saw the light of day. But with Iacocca pushing his idea up hill, it made it to the top and has been coasting down the other side ever since. A career making decision for Mr. Iacocca.

By the way, in order to get max publicity for the new Mustang, it was introduced at the New York World's Fair. These every few years events were once a very big deal.......

......and the Mustang was even featured in a ride at the Ford pavilion. Max publicity, indeed.

Does lightening strike twice? Of course it does, but usually not at the same spot. Not so for Lee Iacocca. When you see a minivan on the street today, think of him, as he was once again the driving force behind this practical, but unsexy, vehicle. The bane of soccer dad's everywhere, who would coincidentally really rather be driving a Mustang.

And after all these years, Chrysler or whatever that company is called these days, still has fifty percent of the shrinking, but still substantial minivan market. Not bad success stories to put on one's resume, the Mustang and the minivan.

Time goes by and now after writing a couple of books and being on the cover of numerous magazines, Lee Iacocca has run out of ideas.........

A legend has passed.

Until next time.......

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