Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 29: Another club member

Unbeknownst to most people, there is a very exclusive club, but it is one to which few want to belong. This club is made up of the ugliest cars ever to put tires to asphalt.  No bragging rights here, eh? Of course, a charter member is the long unlamented Pontiac (remember that brand?) Aztec.......

Not even puppy dog cute. This ugly as sin vehicle didn't have a good line anywhere. Actually a very good suv(?) hidden under more warts than the ugliest of toads. A Miss Congeniality winner for sure.

Joining the Aztec in this exclusive club is this unfortunate soul.......

A car to make the Aztec look almost normal. Park this monstrosity in front of your house on Halloween and your candy bowl will still be full at night's end. Pity the poor Marcos Mantis. Hard to believe that a few people actually bought this..........whatever?  But then this British company sold to those islanders, who do exhibit strange taste from time to time when it comes to cars.

Just when I thought that the ugly car club wouldn't add any new members, this Dutch treat shows up in my rearview..........

Simply called the Donkervoort D8 GTO JD70. Surely I jest, but sadly I don't.  Ok, from this distance and view, the Donkervoort, etc is not half bad, so let's take a closer look to see if it really should be admitted to the ugly car club........

Yep, it's the newest member. Fortunately a picture is worth a thousand words, so I don't have to beat my keyboard up brutalizing the poor old Donkervoort. What? You are interested in one? Ok, a bit of background.........this company has been around for forty years, their car weighs 678 kg and the power 380 hp. Mull over those last two numbers, weight and power. Any wonder why this "unusual" looking machine hits 0-100 kms in 2.7 seconds! You'd arrive almost before you left.

How much, you ask? $180k USD. You'd be the only one on your block and thank gawd for that.

File this beast under the "build it and they will buy it" category. Hand built by Dutch artisans in wooden clogs, I think the rest of us might be happier if the dams broke and swallowed up this little independent forever. Or, if they hired a real designer, instead of using the bone the owner's dog has chewed up and basing the design on that.

When I go to bed tonight, I think I'll say a quick prayer, that this club should close its doors and admit no new members out of kindness to the eyes of the world.

Until next time........

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