Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Those were the days

Hey, let's get this straight right away, I DON'T PINE FOR THE OLD DAYS! Sure I have memories, but what right minded soul doesn't? Whew! Glad that we got that out of the way.

Check out your calendar. September, right? Way back when, this was a time of great excitement in a car dealership, since the new models for the next year, all completely new, whether they were or not, were being unveiled to the public. Those folks standing with their noses pressed against the showroom windows. Funny, but I still see the odd new car ad with that heading, even though the only change is the stitching on the seats. Will people believe anything?

Back in the day, the dealership staff eagerly anticipated the new cars and shared in the excitement as the first transporter rolled up to the dealership.......

But back in the day, the new cars probably were all new. Back in the day they changed substantially each and every year. Back in the day, two years was a long design cycle. But, back in the day, there wasn't the competition there is today. Companies sold hundreds of thousands or maybe over a million of a model, so they could afford to make wholesale changes every twelve months.

But, it's fun to look back........

The excitement built with teaser adds. The dealership covered their showroom windows the day before the grand unveiling, so that no one would get a peak. Remember, no web spy photos back then and the car mags didn't show the new stuff until John Q. Public saw it locally.

Imagine having bought a brand new car a couple of months before and now in September it's design is outdated and old looking by Thanksgiving (this is Canada, so that is October)? I used to love the changes when I was a kid, but I much prefer the longer design cycles these days and the evolutionary changes, so that my new ride will still look new years from now.

Opening night and the citizens would flock to their local (not the pub) to view the latest and the greatest, also pondering how old their kind of new car looked, now that the next year's models were rolled out.....

Maybe even line the cars up outside and shoot a picture for the local rag?

Bring your friends and tell them that you were considering a revolutionary new Cadillac to replace that ancient two year old Buick........

Isn't envy a wonderful thing?

And for a little car guy like me, the best was this........

Does your local Honda, Hyundai or BMW dealer offer this these days? No way, but for a substantial sum, they'll happily sell you a small replica from their in-showroom store.

Pine for the old days? Not a chance. Like to look back? Absolutely! 

Got time to kill? Check out the signs in the nearest dealership. Count yourself lucky, if you see anything announcing the new for 2021 cars (suvs?). How things have changed.

Until next time......

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