Thursday, December 3, 2020

Longing for the good ol' days?

Wake up after dreaming of the good ol' days with visions of old 1990's era Chevy Blazers causing your head to spin? Not surprising and I believe you are not the only one, as I bet there are at least a couple of hundred other folks with the same dilemma.

The stuff of dreams or nightmares? Excellent question. Now take a look at this beauty.......

Brings back memories of the memorable 1990's, doesn't it? So, what's the catch? Is this some sort of photo shopped image? No sir, this is the 2021 and 2022 Mitsouka Buddy. Ok, let's backtrack for a paragraph or two.

Quite a while back, I wrote about the Japanese company, Mitsuoka, who put new body panels on mainstream Japanese cars, in order to make them look like something else. Maybe something desirable, but rather costly. Who could forget these two aspirational cars......

The blue roadster is a make believe 1960's Corvette conjured up from a humble Mazda Miata. The want-a-be high roller mobile features an iconic Bentley grille grafted on to a humble Nissan Altima. Make like you are The Donald without spending the coin or being an insufferable, narcissistic bore.

Apparently there is a strong market in the Land of the Rising Sun for Mitsuoka's creations. The Buddy sold out its production for the next two years in only four(!) days. 

Of course, Mitsuoka is only going to make 200 copies over the next two years, so liars figure and figures lie. You know the deal.

Does the starting point of this unusual transformation look familiar? It should, as it is that perennial best seller, the Toyota Rav4. Already have one, but lust after that 1990's Chevy look and who doesn't? Simply cough up about $20,000 US and you too can cruise down memory lane with your Mitsuoka Buddy. Oh, I forgot, like I already mentioned, they are totally sold out. Sorry!

Any guesses to what Mitsuoka might come up with next? Dream big and pay small. What a deal!

Until next time......

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