Monday, March 22, 2021

Are you kidding me?


"Women are kind and gentle, but they hit things."

Are you kidding me? VW, the master of the cute Beetle ad actually thought that this was a good idea? Were things so different a few years ago? Try writing that today and apart from the various groups that would immediately start picketing VW's headquarters, the press would rip VW's throat out.

Now we all know that this is politically incorrect. Sexist. Stupid. Want to take a short walk through a handful of some other dumb ads? These ones wouldn't get the manufacturer sued, but they are strange in today's or any other context.

Ford's slogan back then was about having a better idea. Was this one of them?

Sure, drive a fashionable two door hardtop down a ski slope to prove something. Maybe, that you can still hit the slopes, even if you forgot your skis? Makes sense to me. Note that those fancy hubcaps are staying in place through this dumb stunt.

Does being humble make a great ad?

Apparently so. This Austin Princess ad from the 1970's.........Princess - better than average. Are you kidding me!!!!!! Even in the terrible '70's this sure doesn't seem like a great sales proposition. "Hey, Geoffrey, how's your new Princess?" Answer...."Well, Basil, I've got to admit, it's better than average." On second thought, maybe this was a strong selling feature way back when.  

What's wrong with this picture........

A happy French family at the airport awaiting the arrival of their friends from somewhere. Whoever thought that this Air France jet dive bombing to the runway would be great advertising? Maybe for a funeral home? But seriously, were they nuts? Take a closer look at the stewardess at the bottom of the stairs. Is she holding her head in terror knowing the outcome of this kamikazi approach?

Great advertising or the decision maker's day off?

Enough said. I'm sure that there are many more of these what were they thinking ads. So let's leave this subject with a bit of European humour........

So, tell us, what do you really think? No wonder sales of North American cars overseas are less than mediocre. Good for a laugh regardless.

Until next time......

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