Monday, May 31, 2021

Finally Something My Neighbour Doesn't Have!

Got tons of money? I mean really tons of money? It's burning a hole in your safe? Want a car that even The Drake couldn't afford? Well, Bucko, have I got your ride.

Let's reminisce for a moment........

There was a time when that ultimate of luxo rides, Rolls-Royce, would built anything for their clients. Well, anything within the confines of good taste, as defined by Rolls-Royce. For instance, if you wanted a pink chenille interior and a polar bear fur roof, they would ask you to go see your local Cadillac dealer.

But once upon a time your wish was their command.........

Want a gold trimmed, ultra swoopy cabrio, a futuristic coupe or a one of one two door? Then Rolls-Royce was your car of choice. Have money to burn? Rolls-Royce knows how to help you burn it.

All this leads up to Rolls' recent announcement that they are going back into the coach building business. Yes, like you, I can hear the cheers of all the oligarchs and oil sheiks, also maybe one from the Sultan of Brunei. Good for Rolls, you've made their day.

To show how quickly they are getting back onto the saddle, last week Rolls rolled out their first coach built ride, the Boat Tail........

Thinking that this is just another Rolls cabrio? Ha, not a chance. Check out what happens when you open the trunk of this streamlined beaut.......

Yes folks, that is an umbrella and matching folding stools. Hey, if the Phantom sedan comes with an umbrella, then why not this new dream boat? Wonder if a supply of dainty lunch time sandwiches are also included? Your choice of fillings.

Now for the important details.......Roll-Royce will be building five of these. Act fast, but they might even be sold out already, so temper your enthusiasm. We all know the old line........if you have to ask, then you can't afford it. But we have to ask. Ready? $28,000,000 USD! Twenty eight million bucks! Yep, I know how disappointing that number is to those among us who might be able throw down three, four or even five million, but the high twenties are too much of a stretch. We plebs feel your pain.

I'll speak for the rest of the billion odd folks in the world, in saying that we feel happy for those fortunate very few billionaires who can pony up the coin for a coach built Rolls. It just makes us feel all is right with the world.

Until next time......

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