Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb 17: Auto Show, part 1: LaFerrari - thank you Robert

Went to the Canadian International Auto Show yesterday (reminder to self - never again go on a weekend or a holiday). This is Toronto's big show. No, nothing like Detroit or even Chicago, but a tier 2 show with a difference (more about that on Friday). I knew it would be crowded on Ontario's Family Day holiday, but I had the opportunity to go with my brother and my nephew, who are both into cars. Always a good time.

 Recognize this car? Of course, my title gives it away, but this is the new and extremely rare La Ferrari. And this is why, I go to auto shows, since where else am I going to see this $1.4 million Ferrari? Probably only a couple in Canada. The only reason we got to see this one, was courtesy of Shark Tank's Robert Herjavec. This guy is the "nice" shark and since he lives in Toronto, he loaned his red beast to the show.

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Not just anyone could buy a LaFerrai, since Ferrari requires that the buyer have a previous and close relationship with the brand, before they build one for them. Hey, relax, they only made 499, so it's only fair to set aside these gems for loyal clientele. And Robert Herjavec is loyal.

He loves his cars and he recently has started racing in the North American Ferrari Challenge series. A rich guys' playground for when your polo pony has a week off. Seriously, there is not enough financial payback to do this for any other reason, but love of the game. And Robert loves this game, whether on the track on in his garage.......

Just a typical car guy, who happens to be able to feed his car lusts and desires, in a way most of us cannot. This pic is taken in front of his most humble abode, not too far in distance from my home. The physical distance is small, the financial distance is enormous. Not just happy with a Gallardo, he needs one with and one without a top. Why not?

Here is another shot of some of his regal rides. I build model cars, since I can't afford the real deal, at least in multiples, so it warms my heart to see a rich car guy fuel his passion in a meaningful way. What a life!

That Rolls Royce at the rear, now has big black rims on it, so it will stand out amongst the other three or four Phantoms on his street. Some street! I've seen it parked on the shopping street in my neighbourhood and to say, it stands out, might be a tad of an understatement.

So back to the LaFerrari. If Robert Herjavec wasn't the good guy that, he appears to be, we'd never see that very special car. Few owners would be willing to share it with the thousands, who drool as they pass by it. My thoughts? Well, I can't afford one, so maybe this would change if I could, but I've never been a fan of these limited run Ferrari's, such as the Enzo. This is the best looking so far, but for my money, I'd take the lovely Italia or the muscular looking F12 Berlinetta. But again, beauty is in the eye.......

Whatever you think of this car, we once again can thank Robert Herjavec for generously allowing us to see it. Thank you, Robert, I know you'll enjoy it.

Until next time.........

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