Friday, February 20, 2015

Feb 20: Auto Show part 2: New cars and more

The Canadian International Auto Show, aka the Toronto Auto Show, is our country's premiere show, but although it has a fancy name, it is what they call a tier 2 show. Basically, this means that it doesn't get the enormous press presence of the biggies like Detroit, Geneva or Toyko. Heck, it doesn't even get the reporting that LA, Chicago or New York do. Since the Canadian market is small by comparison, the manufacturers have shied away from making major announcements and unveilings at Toronto. A new manager, with international experience, has recently been hired to lift our show to the first level. It will be interesting to see how he does.

But back to the show. I used to love going to Detroit, but what Toronto loses in new concepts and introductions, it makes up for it with variety.

Even Detroit won't show the Cadillac Cyclone, a '50's era "dream car" from the General Motors Motorama. This was a GM only show that, toured the country with all the new models and dream cars (now called concept vehicles). The Cyclone was initially designed with huge jet plane type fins, but as they went out of vogue in the very early '60's, it was redone with down sized versions. Still very spacey. Different in that most concepts these days, look like they could hit the road in a few months.

Take for example the Elmiraj concept, again from Cadillac.......

First shown at Pebble Beach last August, this beauty looks to be road worthy. And it stokes the rumours that, Cadillac has a big, new prestige car they plan to bring to market within the next couple of years. We've heard this before, so it's a waiting game. But the Elmiraj is drop dead gorgeous.

Big shows have interesting displays, since the manufacturers pull out all the stops. Feel confident enough to walk under this GMC truck?

Infiniti is cashing in on its F1 presence, by showing Sebastian Vettel's last ride with them, before he heads to Ferrari for the 2015 season.......

This is definitely not something that, one would see at the smaller shows. Note the future driving champion having his pic taken with Seb's car.

Here's another car from the Infiniti stand. Concept? Absolutely. But this design shows many elements of the brand's future design direction.

Like what you can see on their new Q60 coupe, that will come to market later this year.......

But, as I said, the Toronto show is different and what they lack in other areas, they make up in special showings. This is the second Mustang concept, originally shown at Watkins Glen way back in 1963. As you can see, apart from certain design details, it closely mirrored the 1964 production version. Where else would you see this?

Or this very famous car from Chrysler........

There is an interesting story behind this one, but that is for a future blog (how is that for getting you to keep reading Wheel to Wheel each week?).

And like any big show, the (hopefully) next big thing from each company is displayed. Fiat showed their, soon to be in showrooms, Fiat 500x. Next big thing? I really think so. If they price it right and have supply, I think this cutie could give the Mini Countryman a run for its money. Sure better looking than that, troll of a car, the Fiat 500L (yeech!).

Star of the show? Opinions are subjective. Someone Green Party member out there is going to point to Chevy's soon to hit the market, totally new, electric Bolt........

.........but most car folks will look for something a little more exotic, something that might be considered totally irresponsible, but heck, that is what wish lists are for, aren't they. So, for me, the real star of Toronto was the 2016 Ford GT........

Introduced at Detroit and shown in every single car book, probably worldwide, this stunning car hasn't had a picture that does it justice in real life. A "dream car"? At $250k large, it sure will be for me. Cool fact? This hot Ford will be built in the Toronto suburb of Markham by longtime Ford race car builder, Multimatic.

So, that is my take on our local car show. But remember, if you are going to any big event like this, please don't do what I did, go during the week. It was so crowded on the holiday Monday, that I went, if it were not for my being 6'5", I wouldn't have seen half of the hottest exhibits.

Until next time......


  1. I'd like to take in one of those shows just to be able to say that I was actually there. Yes, the Ford GT is a car that I like although I wasn't impressed when Ford decided to use a hot V-6 instead of a V-8. I'm still sure that it will go like Jack, the Bear. We're headed to Calgary this weekend where we'll be seeing the grandkids. If I'm really lucky I might be able to sneak away to attend the World of Wheels that is going on as I speak. Talk to you later.

    1. George, a top line car show is a treat for a car guy/gal. I also like the custom/hot rod shows. We have Performance World here every March, which I try to get to.

  2. Those are all looking really good. It really is a treat to be able to go to such an awesome car show. For my wife and i who are car enthusiasts we are always on the look out for a car show near us so we can go and take part. Things are really exploding on the car scene, thanks.

    Lonnie @ Viva Chevrolet
