Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15: Just another family sedan?

We are all spending much more time with our families these days, so it is natural that my blog thoughts would turn to the good ol' family four seater. You know the one. The trusty conveyance that will let you take the family on a Sunday outing in the post virus days, when social distancing is no longer the latest catch phrase. No six feet apart in any car since the sixties.

Today, I'll focus on a new four seater from that Swedish company we all know so well. Volvo? Nope. Saab? Of course not, they don't exist. Koenigsegg. I know, that would have been your next guess. Enough chit chat, here is their new four seater, the Gemera.......

Now you get it and why you don't know about this company. Forget that they have been around since 1994 and have produced literally hundreds of the exotic supercars that bear their name. The good news is that you now know them and that their new ride will let the whole family pile in and head out for ice cream.


A couple of very important facts worth noting. This just introduced family ride will be limited to only 300 cars and the price (if you need to ask, etc) will be $1.9 million USD. Before your head explodes, please note that this is the less expensive Koenigsegg model, as the others range from $2.1m to $2.8m USD before options (and yes, it does come with A/C).

These other three models that the company produces aren't family friendly budget stretchers......




Check your investments and take your pick. Well, maybe this isn't the best time to make that suggestion. But back to the Gemera, which isn't all bad news. Going on short jaunts? Then this is a real penny pincher, as its electric motor will propel you an easy 50 kilometres, before its huge ICE (internal combustion engine) takes over. If all you ever do is go for ice cream, then your new ride will never see a gas pump (if only life were like that).

Another tidbit.......the Gemera's cup holders are heated and cooled, so that ice cream won't melt so quickly. Hey, this is looking better all the time.

Just when you thought there was nothing but bad news. Nothing to look forward to in this new stay-at-home world. Nothing worth spending your diminishing investments on. Aren't you glad that Koenigsegg knows how to lift your spirits and is more fun than a Donald Trump press conference?

Remember only 300 being made, so place your RIGHT NOW!

Until next time and stay safe........

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