Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22: Electrifying choices!

Just when you've made your decision to buy a sparkly new Tesla Model 3........

Just when you've started looking around for a place to plug it in (remember you live in a condo)........

Just when all that copious amount of research has paid off.......

.......along come a couple of other EV's that are yanking your chain. No friend, they aren't out yet and maybe they never will be, but for an analytic like you, they'll put a pause on your final Tesla decision.

First off is this distinctive car from Spain, the Velantur........


Looking a bit like a few other cars.......PT Cruiser (remember them?), VW Beetle, anything from the 1930's. And probably named after.........what? Take your pick, an old family member, a Spanish insect, a breed of Spanish cow (it works for Lamborghini).

The Velantur is a three door, well, actually two doors and a hatch. Distinctive and trimmed out like some high end luxury mobile........

It certainly beats that Model 3, whose interior loos like modern day prison chic, but with a huge screen on the dash.

Your retro styling tastes lean more towards the '60's? Then the Nobe 100 from Estonia, should work for you.......


Sporting an unusual three seat, three wheel design, that is obviously being pitched to those wanting to attract the opposite sex. Those whitewalls are a nice retro touch.

So back to your EV decision. The tried and true, although sometimes problematic Model 3 or the Velantur or the Nobe 100? Is price an issue (when is it not?). Then possibly the Tesla will win out at around $70K CAN for a nicely equipped one. Not sure about the Spanish ride, but the Nobe 100 is reaching for the stars, with a suggested price of around $65K CAN, if it ever gets here! Yes, you too, can be taken for an EV ride.

 In Europe, the land of quirky small cars, the Nobe 100 will fit right in......

......but in good ol' North America, not so much.

So, my analytical friend, what is it going to be? The known quantity or one of the new start ups? Even Tesla was the latter a few short years ago. My advice? Order the Tesla and keep looking for a place to plug it in.

Until next time and keep safe......

1 comment:

  1. Crazy and cute design I like the car and wish I have got one.
    Thanks For sharing with us.
    Car photo editing
