Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 25: Colourful Memories

The other day I saw a beautiful soft blue car cruise by our condo, complete with matching blue rims. It was stunning. Of course, this particular car would have looked gorgeous in mud brown. I love the new Porsche Taycan, but more to the point, it reminded me of years, many times gone by, when one could order just about any colour on your new car and you didn't have to be a Porsche buyer to do so.

Recently my brother got a new car. The colour choices? A couple of greys, a silver, white, black, of course, and a killer red. Nothing special, although that red is stunning. Made me long for the very old days, when a colour palette like this would be available........

Pick a colour, any of the twenty five available on this Plymouth. Only one black and maybe a grey. Some difference back in those days. Dream of a colour and unless you wanted one of the three or four blacks that Mercedes has, you were good to go.

Imagine a colour chart like this one when ordering a car today? Pick one of the many solid shades. Change your mind and want a tutone? Then you could go absolutely wild. The variety and selection was endless. Some even showed good taste.

Even the brochures let you imagine how your dream ride would look in a few of those bright and optimistic colours........

Smoke a little dope and visual your new Honda, Kia or Benz in one of these fantasy shades. That Porsche in the lead picture might be as close as you can get these days. But at what a cost!

How did they do it back then? The easy answer is that there were only a very few brands available, so when producing that many cars, each manufacturer could have limitless colours on offer. These days, when there are so many more companies, everyone's market share is much smaller. No economy of scale to let the endless colour choices reign. 

Of course the times have changed as well. Will somebody please tell Porsche.......

Until next time.......

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