Monday, August 17, 2020


 So why does this fellow look so doggone happy, maybe even smug? 

Could it be that he is the head of what he hopes will be Turkey's first homegrown automobile company? Yeah, yeah, haven't we heard this all before? The rush to EV (electric vehicles) and no doubt, Tesla's success, has made producing a new car the thing to do. Oh and the new vehicle must be electric.

If all the EV's that have been announced over the past two or three years came to pass, not only would we all have two of them sitting in everyone's driveway, but the world would more than likely be suffering brown outs from all that charging. Enough ranting, BT.

So Turkey is aiming to have their own car, starting with an suv. That's smart thinking.

Good looking, although a bit derivative, but hey, what isn't these days? To begin with, this new arrival, if indeed it does arrive, will only be sold in car crowded and car crazy Europe. I have no idea how anyone makes any money selling vehicles over there, as with all those countries churning out cars, trucks, etc, it's amazing that any company can sell enough to matter.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, that this is the TOGG. Turkey will be the proud producer of vehicles called TOGG. Heck, why not? 

And check out this 21st century interior........

A screen for every occasion? The new TOGG better be self driving, cause there is no way any driver would be able to see what is on all these screens and still find time to drive their car.

Shouldn't a so-called car company, also make cars?

Of course and this is the TOGG sedan to fill that rather small need. By the way, TOGG has hired a big name to design its car, Pininfarina. It shows. Quite a difference from an earlier Turkish car produced in the 1960's, that wasn't designed by Pininfarina, the Devrim. It also shows......

Any wonder why this one didn't make it?

Really want a TOGG, but also really want your neighbours to know that your new ride is an EV? No fear, TOGG has an answer for that......


Will TOGG actually make it to market? Will it be a rockin' success? Will you remember that you even read about it in this blog? Well folks, you can see the intro date above. Mark it on your calendars and cross your fingers.

Until next time.........