Monday, August 10, 2020

Bad drugs and Rock 'n Roll

Ah, those classic machines from the 1930's. Even today, close to a hundred years later, these cars retain their elegance and grandeur. The old Mercedes SS was stunning with those cool side pipes coming from the engine and out thru the side of the hood. This thing has POWER written all over it. One problem, though. The car above isn't from the 1930's. Try the 1970's. This car is an Excalibur, designed by Brooks Stevens to replicate an old classic, but with modern mechanicals. Like the old stuff? Can't afford it? Want modern reliability? Look no further.

So this is a copy. A good one. But this car blew the door wide open for all sorts of ersatz old cars, which were called neo-classics. Ha! Nothing classic about them, but the Las Vegas and south Florida crowd loved them. They went well with those white suits and gold chains.

Always loved Mustangs, but longed for yours to look like a 30's classic? Sure, who hasn't? Take those modern day simple lines and add on a few classic touches. Crack folks up at the local cruise night. When someone tries to steal that fake gold hood ornament, hit them with a blast of what look like Mack truck horns. Then ask them politely to wipe off their grubby finger prints.

No one will ever dare to question your good taste again. Well, ok, maybe the good folks at Ford might have a few reservations about what has been done to their pony.

Maybe the originator of this neo-classic should have started further up the automotive food chain? Maybe use a Lincoln, instead of a Mustang? Maybe just buy a normal Lincoln and forget about the glitz and glamour(?) that goes with a neo-classic?

This model has the same classic stuff, but on a modern classic luxury sedan. Ok, ok, it's just a Lincoln. Enough with the hyperbole. Never will you or your ride be taken for granted again.

Need a four seater and you know that everyone can see the Lincoln under all that added on stuff, then maybe a fresh sheet of paper design would be more to your liking? Still with the side pipes and that fake gold hood ornament...........

Drive up to the next family picnic in this ride and all those low class relatives will know that you've arrived, if they don't then remind them with a toot toot of those classic horns. This will guarantee you a second helping of potato salad (as long as you brought it).

Of course, it's inevitable that something tastefully designed will sneak thru.......

......and it doesn't betray its pedestrian underpinnings.

None of the above turns your crank now or back when these creations were in their prime? Also, you lean heavily towards a Cadillac and you don't mind people knowing it. Ok, let's turn to the Dunham Coach works for a look at their neo-classic.......

Ah yes, those classics of the 1930's were beautys. Don't you wish they had stayed there, rather than have some dubious designer resurrect them as a neo-classic? It's tough to have good taste when so many others lack it.

Until next time.......

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