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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
My passion is also my business, as I am with the Toronto based Hav-A-Kar Auto Group. I sell or lease any make of car, van or truck available in Canada. My interest in all things "car" has helped me with my many clients in Ontario over the past 25+ years. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.

Friday, January 18, 2019

January: Well hello, Big Boy

How often do we get a family photo with everyone lined up so perfectly straight? Usually impossible to do, but from the above we can see that Ford Explorers are very obedient. But what we can also see from this picture is the progression of the Explorer over its six generations from 1991 to the recently unveiled 2020 model. And yes, that little guy on the left is an Explorer. The first one. A ground breaker.

Up until 1990 there wasn't any mainstream (niche market Jeep Cherokee doesn't count) compact four door suv to tempt families, who didn't really want a minivan and loved the sound of the term sport ultility, although there was (and still is) nothing really sporty about them. Just a very useful and practical vehicle with good sight lines, since they are a little bit higher.

Ah, but what in life doesn't grow with age? Our waste lines? Our investments (hopefully)? And so it was with the Explorer like so many other vehicles. As it aged, it grew, adding length, width, price and luxury. So, what began as a very well equipped for its day compact suv.........

......grew into a much larger vehicle with an interior and a price befitting a luxury car (insert your favorite make here)........

Can you see the difference, boys and girls? I thought you could.

Over the years as the Explorer grew, Ford filled in the gap it left with a variety of smaller suvs, which just might retain their original sizes. Still not considered a full size suv (in whose eyes?), the recent Explorers would suit the needs of most families........

And as it grew and as the sedan market shrunk and in some cases disappeared, there is another market that has opened up to the rapidly expanding Explorer.........

Way back in 1991, who would ever have believed the Explorer would, among other things, eventually become the fastest all around police vehicle in North America?

Well hello, Big Boy. My how you've grown.

Until next time.........

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